Error types of weighing sensors

发布时间:2023-06-26 人气: 来源:1

1、The application error of the weighing sensor is caused by the operator, which also means that there are many reasons for it. For example, the error generated during temperature measurement includes incorrect placement of the probe or incorrect insulation between the probe and the measurement location. Additionally, some application errors include errors generated during the purification process of air or other gases, and application errors also involve incorrect placement of the transmitter, Therefore, positive or negative pressure will affect the correct reading.

2. Characteristic error is defined as the difference between the ideal and recognized transfer functional characteristics of the device and its true characteristics, which is inherent in the device itself. This error includes DC drift values, incorrect slopes, or non-linear slopes.

3. The characteristics and calibration of many sensors are applicable to static conditions, which means that the input parameters used are static or similar to static. Many sensors have strong damping, so they do not respond quickly to changes in input parameters. For example, thermistors require several seconds to respond to temperature step changes.

4. So, the thermistor does not immediately jump to a new impedance or produce a sudden change. On the contrary, it slowly changes to a new value. Therefore, if a load cell with delay characteristics responds to a rapid change in temperature, the output waveform will be distorted because it contains dynamic errors. The factors that generate dynamic errors include response time, amplitude distortion, and phase distortion.

5. Insertion error refers to the error caused by changing the measurement parameters when inserting a sensor into the system. It usually occurs during electronic measurements, but similar problems can also occur in other methods of measurement. For example, when a voltmeter measures voltage in a circuit, it must have an inherent impedance that is much greater than the circuit impedance, or there may be a circuit load, There will be significant errors in the readings, which are caused by the use of a transmitter that is too large for the system (such as a pressure system); Either the dynamic characteristics of the system are too slow, or the self heating in the system is loaded with too much thermal energy.

6. The environmental error comes from the environment in which the sensor is used,Load CellFactors include temperature, vibration, altitude, chemical volatilization, or other factors that often affect the characteristics of sensors. Therefore, in practical applications, these factors are always classified and concentrated together.







